Install Centos On Virtualbox Mac

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VirtualBox (VB) development is progressing rapidly and the information on this page may be outdated. The Linux Downloads page now has yum repo configs. Unfortunately the RPM packages do not handle major version upgrades gracefully. The built-in update notifications when running VB are also deficient and will only notify of minor updates (i.e. 5.1.6->5.1.8), if that, and not more major version upgrades (i.e. 4->5). For now, older versions should be uninstalled before installing a new major version or the package upgrade will encounter RPM conflicts. The VB user manual should be read carefully; however, at this writing it does not do a good job of addressing RPM installations. See the VB site for the latest details. The good news is that the new versions have significant improvements and new features, and backwards compatibility with existing VMs has been excellent.

VirtualBox-6.1 (VirtualBox-6.1-6.1.20_143896) is currently available and supported. To get full 6.1 functionality you may also need the VirtualBox Extension Pack which provides support for USB 2.0/3.0 devices, and RDP and PXE boot for Intel cards.

See CentOS as a Guest OS in VirtualBox for information about using CentOS as a VB guest.

See also this Red Hat Developer article on VirtualBox.

Install Centos On Virtualbox Machinery

Please note that VirtualBox is a product of Oracle Corporation. It is neither provided nor supported by the CentOS Project, although questions may be answered at the Fora or on the virtualization mailing lists.



1. What is VirtualBox?

VirtualBox is a set of x86 virtualization products for various OS platforms. It is a machine/hardware virtualization product or hypervisor, similar in function to VMware Server, Parallels Workstation, QEMU, KVM and Xen. It can support a variety of guest operating systems including but not limited to Windows (Server 2003-2012, Vista, 7, 8 and 10), DOS/Windows 3.x, Linux (2.4, 2.6 and 3.x), Solaris/!OpenSolaris and OpenBSD. Its proponents claim it to be 'the only professional solution that is freely available as Open Source Software under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)'.

A walkthrough on installing CentOS 6.6 on a virtual machine on Mac OSX and how to get it to connect to the internet to download additional softwareBlog:http. 2.1 Create MacOS Virtual Machine In Virtualbox. Open virtualbox, click New button to create a new.

To install Centos 7 on VirtualboxHow to config to share internet bet. So it's time to boot the virtual machine and install CentOS 8 in it. Choose the CentOS 8 virtual machine from the list, then click the Start button. If you see a window shown in the image below, just click cancel. Once you click the start button, the CentOS 8 virtual machine will be running in a new window. Installing VirtualBox 6.1 in RHEL/CentOS and Fedora. To install the latest stable version of VirtualBox, you need to first download the virtualbox.repo configuration file using the following wget command and then import the public key using rpm command.

VirtualBox is available on a variety of platforms in 'native' packages. This includes i386 and AMD64 (x86_64) RPM packages for RHEL5/RHEL6/RHEL7 that should work on CentOS-5/6/7 (or Scientific Linux and other RHEL derivatives), as well as .deb packages for Debian, Ubuntu and derivatives, Mac OS-X, Windows, Solaris & OpenSolaris and as source.

2. Why use VirtualBox?

While not as efficient as operating system-level virtualization based on a modified Linux kernel like Xen, KVM, OpenVZ, or Vserver it is easy to install and use. Benefits include:

  1. Available in RPM packages
  2. Active community support

  3. Runs a variety of guest OS's
  4. Good access to hardware including sound, USB, and serial ports
  5. Available on a number of host OS's
  6. Allows running Redmond OSs and applications without messing up your computer or dual-booting

3. Installing VirtualBox

The (VirtualBox) website has a lot of quality documentation including:

  • End-user documentation
  • Technical documentation
  • Source code repository timeline
  • List of changes (changelog)

This article will briefly cover the installation process. Both i386 and AMD64 (x86_64) versions are available.

You will need to be the root user for the following tasks. Login to a root shell or 'su -' in a terminal window.

Download the RHEL repo config.

  • Note: As an alternative, you may choose to download and install individual RPMS rather than configuring the repository. That procedure is documented on the VB web site and will not be covered here.
  • Optionally add a line 'enabled=0' if you do not want the repository to be enabled by default. This will require adding '--enablerepo virtualbox' to yum commands to access the repository.

The installation of VB will require the building of kernel modules. If DKMS (Dynamic Kernel Module Support) is installed it will be used and will simplify kernel upgrades. Installing DKMS from the EPEL repository is recommended before installing VirtualBox. Don't forget to configure the yum-priorities plugin. Installing DKMS will pull in required development dependencies.

A forum user notes that all but the latest version of DKMS from Dell may be buggy.

If DKMS is not used and the development environment and kernel source are not already installed:

Install Centos On Virtualbox Mac


1. What is VirtualBox?

VirtualBox is a set of x86 virtualization products for various OS platforms. It is a machine/hardware virtualization product or hypervisor, similar in function to VMware Server, Parallels Workstation, QEMU, KVM and Xen. It can support a variety of guest operating systems including but not limited to Windows (Server 2003-2012, Vista, 7, 8 and 10), DOS/Windows 3.x, Linux (2.4, 2.6 and 3.x), Solaris/!OpenSolaris and OpenBSD. Its proponents claim it to be 'the only professional solution that is freely available as Open Source Software under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)'.

A walkthrough on installing CentOS 6.6 on a virtual machine on Mac OSX and how to get it to connect to the internet to download additional softwareBlog:http. 2.1 Create MacOS Virtual Machine In Virtualbox. Open virtualbox, click New button to create a new.

To install Centos 7 on VirtualboxHow to config to share internet bet. So it's time to boot the virtual machine and install CentOS 8 in it. Choose the CentOS 8 virtual machine from the list, then click the Start button. If you see a window shown in the image below, just click cancel. Once you click the start button, the CentOS 8 virtual machine will be running in a new window. Installing VirtualBox 6.1 in RHEL/CentOS and Fedora. To install the latest stable version of VirtualBox, you need to first download the virtualbox.repo configuration file using the following wget command and then import the public key using rpm command.

VirtualBox is available on a variety of platforms in 'native' packages. This includes i386 and AMD64 (x86_64) RPM packages for RHEL5/RHEL6/RHEL7 that should work on CentOS-5/6/7 (or Scientific Linux and other RHEL derivatives), as well as .deb packages for Debian, Ubuntu and derivatives, Mac OS-X, Windows, Solaris & OpenSolaris and as source.

2. Why use VirtualBox?

While not as efficient as operating system-level virtualization based on a modified Linux kernel like Xen, KVM, OpenVZ, or Vserver it is easy to install and use. Benefits include:

  1. Available in RPM packages
  2. Active community support

  3. Runs a variety of guest OS's
  4. Good access to hardware including sound, USB, and serial ports
  5. Available on a number of host OS's
  6. Allows running Redmond OSs and applications without messing up your computer or dual-booting

3. Installing VirtualBox

The (VirtualBox) website has a lot of quality documentation including:

  • End-user documentation
  • Technical documentation
  • Source code repository timeline
  • List of changes (changelog)

This article will briefly cover the installation process. Both i386 and AMD64 (x86_64) versions are available.

You will need to be the root user for the following tasks. Login to a root shell or 'su -' in a terminal window.

Download the RHEL repo config.

  • Note: As an alternative, you may choose to download and install individual RPMS rather than configuring the repository. That procedure is documented on the VB web site and will not be covered here.
  • Optionally add a line 'enabled=0' if you do not want the repository to be enabled by default. This will require adding '--enablerepo virtualbox' to yum commands to access the repository.

The installation of VB will require the building of kernel modules. If DKMS (Dynamic Kernel Module Support) is installed it will be used and will simplify kernel upgrades. Installing DKMS from the EPEL repository is recommended before installing VirtualBox. Don't forget to configure the yum-priorities plugin. Installing DKMS will pull in required development dependencies.

A forum user notes that all but the latest version of DKMS from Dell may be buggy.

If DKMS is not used and the development environment and kernel source are not already installed:

You may also choose to only install a minimum set of individual development tool packages (at least gcc and make are required) rather than the groupinstall which some may consider overkill. Replace 'kernel-devel' with 'kernel-PAE-devel' if using a PAE kernel. If you are not using a standard CentOS kernel, you must acquire and install the source for your kernel from wherever you got the kernel. Do not try to use VirtualBox with a Xen kernel, nor to install a Xen kernel in a Guest OS.

  • Note: For CentOS as a Guest OS the same packages are used to build the 'Guest Additions' drivers.

Install the RPM:

The installer will create the 'vboxusers' group and create the necessary kernel modules if the development environment has been correctly configured.

For each 'username' that will run VirtualBox:

or use the GUI Users and Groups tool.

4. Running VirtualBox

Run VB as a user that is a member of the 'vboxusers' group. For VirtualBox-4.0 or 4.1 you may install the optional VirtualBox Extension Pack from a running instance of the GUI interface via the File / Preferences / Extensions menu. The root password will be required for this operation.

  • From a terminal command line enter 'VirtualBox &'

  • In GNOME or KDE run under 'Applications / System Tools / Oracle VM VirtualBox'

Accept the license, optionally register, and create a new VM. VMware virtual machines should be usable with Virtual box. Google 'vmware to virtualbox' for information.

Help is available from the menu or online.

5. Making USB Work in VirtualBox

VirtualBox requires the user have write access to 'usbfs' devices for USB access. As root perform the following:

  • If running CentOS as a guest OS in a VM the same development and DKMS packages should be installed in the VM prior to installing VBox Guest Additions.
  • VB users may also be interested in the phpVirtualBox implementation of the VirtualBox user interface written in PHP.

  • Please do not email the CentOS mailing lists (except CentOS-virt) or visit the CentOS IRC channel with VirtualBox related questions. Use the VirtualBox community support resources or the CentOS Fora instead.

This page was initially created by PhilSchaffner and is currently maintained by ChristophGaluschka. Other Wiki contributors are invited to make corrections, additions, or modifications.

For an upcoming project and blog article, I'm going to need a Linux setup on my main machine. The project requires me to use a minimal install of CentOS 7 (Linux) as the operating system. In order to run another operating system on my hardware I will use VirtualBox so that I can run CentOS alongside OS X.

VirtualBox is a free and open source virtualization app that allows users to run multiple operating systems on their machine from within their main operating system. In other words, you can run a linux box (or whatever your favorite flavor of OS is) as if it were any other application inside your Windows OS, Mac OS X, or even on another Linux box. This is also known as running a Virtual Machine (VM).

What is a Virtualization Application?

Different operating systems have different processes for interacting with hardware. VirtualBox, and other virtualization apps, simulate hardware in a way that the virtualized operating system (the VM) thinks that it's running on real hardware. What VirtualBox is really doing underneath the hood is translating the VMs systems calls to calls that the main operating system can understand. VirtualBox sits between the two operating systems translating calls and responses between the two.

Why would we want to run a Virtual Machine?

One of the main reasons to run a VM is to gain access to technology and functionality that does not exist in the current operating system running on our hardware.

For example, my operating system of choice is OS X, but if I want to do any serious Windows development I need to use Visual Studio. Microsoft hasn't released an OS X version of Visual Studio as of yet so to use the IDE I have to run Windows in a VM.

Another example would be the need to run an ssh server like openssh-server, or a source control server like Gitolite. Yes, you can do both on OS X, but Linux or FreeBSD generally provides a better environment for server like functions.

Virtual Machines give us the freedom of choice no matter what operating system sits on top of our hardware. There is also the added bonus of separating responsibilities. We can have different VMs running different types of servers with totally different setups. You could have a Rails app running in Apache on one VM, and another Rails app running in Nginx on another VM.

Is there a disadvantage to virtualization?

Virtual Machines can help us solve a lot of problems, but there are some fallbacks.

One of the main fallbacks is the virtualization itself. Virtualbox has to spend extra time converting calls from one operating system to another, so there is inherently a loss in performance.

Most machines, now days, have powerful, multi-core cpus and large amounts of RAM so this isn't really a big deal.

Where can I get VirtualBox?

At the time of writing this article the current version of VirtualBox was 5.0.4.

VirtualBox can be downloaded by following this link:

Downloading CentOS 7

I will be using the CentOS 7 Minimal ISO which is a 636MB download versus a 4GB download for the DVD ISO. The minimal install is exactly what it sounds like, minimal. It doesn't come with a windows manager or any development tools. It's a bare bones install that allows us to customize the environment to fit our exact needs.

CentOS 7 can be found here:

The Install

I'm not going to walk you through the VirtualBox install because it's simple and straight forward. I will however, go through the steps of installing CentOS in VirtualBox.

Once you have VirtualBox installed, open it up and click on the New icon on the top left of the toolbar.

Name your VM anything you want, but make sure you choose Linux as the type and Red Hat (64-bit) as the version.

Next, choose the amount of memory you'd like to reserve for this VM. I usually just go with the suggested amount, which in this case is 768MB.

The next prompt will ask you to add a virtual hard disk. Go ahead and select Create a virtual hard disk now which should be the default.

Next, you can select whichever type of VM hard disk type you'd like. I usually just select VDI.

The next prompt will ask you if you'd like dynamic storage or fixed storage. Select dynamic. Dynamic storage means that VirtualBox will only use the amount of space, on your real hard drive, that the VM actually needs until it reaches the maximum we allot. This will also allow us to add more to the VM later if we need it.

The next step is to actually allot the amount of hard disk space for the VM. 8.00GB will be more than plenty to start off. Go ahead and press the Create button to finish up this part of the process.

Now that we've setup the setup, it's time to install the VM. Your VirtualBox window should now contain a VM that is powered off.

Find your newly created VM space and double click on it to start it up. You'll be prompted to point the manager to the iso we downloaded earlier. Locate the file and click start.

After you click start, VirtualBox will start the iso and you will be prompted to select an install mode. I usually just select Install CentOS 7, but it defaults to Test this media & install CentOS 7.

The install process will begin by asking you to select your language of preference. Once you've done that the next prompt will be to select the install destination.

Click on the Install Destination label and then immediately click Done at the top of the next window. Everything in this part of the install wizard has been set for us because of earlier selections we made when setting up the VM space.

You'll now notice that the Install Destination section no longer contains the warning that was previously there. Now you can click on Begin Install.

The install will begin, but there are still two more steps we need to take. The next window will give us the opportunity to set the root password and to add an additional account. Lets do both now.

Select Root Password and create a new password for the root account.

Add another account so that you can log in to the VM without directly logging into root. Go ahead and make the user an administrator.

Click on Finish configuration.

The installer will complete a few more things and then you'll see a message at the bottom that says Complete and will find a button to reboot the VM. Go ahead and click Reboot to startup the VM for the first time.

Once the VM reboots you'll be able to log in.

Setting up ssh access on the VM

There is a small oddity when installing CentOS when it comes to accessing the internet. When you first install the OS you may or may not be able to connect to the outside world, but after the first reboot you most certainly will not have a connection. This is due to the ONBOOT property in the ifcfg config file being set to no by default.

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If you type ip addr at the command-line you'll notice a lack of any other ip address other than

Change the working directory to /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ and edit the ifcfg-enp0s3 config file and set ONBOOT to yes. You may need to run vi as sudo if you aren't logged in as root (which is never recommended).

After you reboot (via the reboot command) and the system comes back up type ip addr once again to view your VMs ip address.

CentOS minimal comes with an ssh server so the last step needed to be able to ssh in from our local machine is to setup port forwarding on our VM.

The status bar, on the bottom of the running vm, should have a bunch of icons. The one of interest to us is the network (double monitor) icon.

The dialog that opens shows the current configuration of the network adapter.

Next press the Port Forwarding button to bring up the settings that will allow us to ssh into the VM.

In the Port Forwarding dialog click on the green plus icon to add a new Rule. In this new rule enter information for Host IP, Host Port, Guest IP, and Guest Port.

I use the following settings:

  • Host IP: - this is the IP address (localhost) of the host operating system (not the VM). If you want to access the VM from anywhere on the internet you'll need to use your computers real IP.
  • Host Port: 2222 - use a port that is open on your machine.
  • Guest IP - this is the IP address shown when ip addr is typed in the VM command-line. In my case it has been every time I have only one VM running.
  • Guest Port - 22 is the default ssh port and that's what we want to use here.

Click the OK button to finalize the port forwarding settings.

Now you should be able to ssh in from a local terminal.

Wrapping up

Install Centos On Virtualbox Macbook Pro

We should now have a running, minimal version of CentOS 7 in VirtualBox. VirtualBox makes it extremely easy to run many different operating systems on existing hardware without having a separate machine for each different operating system we want to run.

Virtualbox Centos 8

Having this setup will save some time for the next article where we'll go through installing Erlang and Elixir on our CentOS 7 VM.

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